Our Story

how the wild got into our brains
and inspired this app

We met while studying critical conservation and behavioral challenges in grad school. We each spent years studying wildlife in jungles on opposite sides of the world.  Upon realizing we shared a penchant for animals and protecting the planet, we each knew we had a life-long friend.

While we applied our time and talents in different industries over the years, we took every opportunity to collaborate and synergize. When we did, 1+1 was always greater than two. When the opportunity presented itself, we decided to team up to develop QuokkApp to benefit people and the planet.

Deirdre Doherty, PhD


I’m a conservation ecologist with experience in field research and media. I love being in nature anywhere with wildlife, the more remote the better!

In previous lives, I’ve been a competitive equestrian and off-road driving instructor for Land Rover

Deb Durham, PhD


I’m a behavioral scientist who studies resilience, cognitive flexibility, and how individuals respond to change and stress.  I’ve traveled the world to learn about behavior, working on projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America.

I’m fueled by hopeful tenacity, a love of nature, and plenty of strong coffee.

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